Retreats / Study Trips / Assemblies

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School students in grades 2 through 8 attend annual retreats in order to step away from the routine of day-to-day life and be redirected to what is most important and desired. This is a special time of spiritual awareness and preparation for our students. Retreats provide the opportunity to develop a warm sense of belonging to the Church, build relationships with others, and grow closer to God in a powerful, peaceful atmosphere. Retreats are held at the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center, which is run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart. At the retreats, students spend days filled with creative activities, group discussions, quiet time, prayer services, and the celebration of the Catholic Mass. 

Our 8th graders and their teachers share an incredible experience at the end of the 8th grader’s last year at St. Francis of Assisi by traveling to Divine Word Retreat Center for an overnight retreat. There they share memories that will last a lifetime. Students experience the powerful love of Jesus through the witness of speakers, friends, nature’s beauty, and of course, through His presence in the Eucharist during Mass. Group activities bond the students in celebration and fellowship as they say farewell to their years at St. Francis and look ahead to the next step in their academic and spiritual journeys.

Study Trips and Assemblies
Study trips and assemblies provide valuable educational opportunities away from the classroom. Students can learn while having fun in a more informal environment. Classroom lessons are reinforced in real-world settings thus helping students understand topics better. In addition, they gain new perspectives on the world, better understand their place in the community, and develop openness to differences in others. These experiences tend to be the most memorable moments of a student's career.

Students at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School attend several study trips and assemblies over the course of their educational careers. Often our teachers transform these new environments into mobile classrooms, instructing students to collect data, then quizzing them or assigning a project based on what they learned. During these outings, students also practice social skills and critical thinking abilities by asking experts about their particular area of study, and navigating behavior expectations and norms in a new setting.

Below are a few examples of study trips and assemblies attended by St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School students:

Mighty Ducks SCORE Program – S.C.O.R.E. (Scholastic Curriculum Of Recreation & Education) is an award-winning program offered through the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim Hockey Club. The program uses the sport of hockey to teach educational themes, encourage healthy and active living, reinforce the importance of positive character building, and reward youth for their dedication to pursuing academic excellence. Ducks S.C.O.R.E. in its entirety is a multifaceted program. It is comprised of two major parts, an in-class education initiative and a physical education curriculum featuring street hockey. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School students in grades 4 through 6 participate in all aspects of the program and enjoy a study trip to Honda Center in Anaheim as a cumulating activity.

Walk Through California / American Revolution / Ancient World – These programs for 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students bring social studies lessons to life using role-play, vocabulary words, music, and active participation.

6th Grade Outdoor Education – 6th-grade students participate in a four to five-day outdoor education experience, which meets sixth-grade California Science Content Standards.

Dana Point Science Program Overnight Trip – Seventh-grade students participate in an overnight marine science/maritime history program run by the Ocean Institute in Dana Point which meets the Seventh Grade California Science Content Standards.

East Coast Study Trip – 8th-grade students participate in a week-long intensive tour of historical landmarks on the East Coast where they explore what they have learned in their Eighth Grade California Social Studies Content Standards.

Other trips and assemblies include:
Mission San Juan Capistrano
Museum of Tolerance
Long Beach Aquarium
Centennial Farm
Inside the Outdoors at Crystal Cove State Park
Our Lady Queen of Angels Cathedral
Yorba Linda Public Library