Have you ever really thought about what Lent is really about? Maybe you've always thought of it as that forty-day period where you have to give up soda or chocolate. Maybe all you've really ever payed attention to is the giving up part, and when you get to eat candy or drink soda again. But in reality, Lent isn't just about giving up your favorite food for forty days, nor is it about the candy you get to wake up to on Easter Sunday. Lent is about the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us and what we can do to show our love for him and everything he's done for us. Giving up candy or soda is a good thing to give up, but it's good to not do so every year and try to give up something new this Lent.

There are a few things you can give up for Lent that are examples of sacrifices to make to live a more faithful live this Lent and make your relationship with the Lord stronger. One thing you can do is give up electronic devices or TV for Lent. Giving up these things gives you more time to focus on growing closer to God throughout Lent and can also develop better habits after Lent is over.

Even if it's not giving up an object in particular, there are other things that you can do in Lent to show thankfulness and love towards Jesus. For example, you could devote yourself to praying for five or ten minutes every night through all of Lent. This not only strengthens your relationship with God during this time, but also turns into a daily habit that you can keep doing even after Lent. Another way you can show your love for God during Lent is to donate a portion of money or clothes every week or even just a few times this Lent to the poor and those who do not have necessities they need. You could create care packages, help raise money, and donate some  things you have that you don't need. This strengthens your relationship with God because it helps you learn about sacrifice and makes you feel good about doing the right thing and want to do these things more.

Lent is a time to grow closer to God and prepare for Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. Through giving up certain objects or habits for Lent, or even devoting yourselves to something throughout all of Lent, you can better prepare yourselves for Jesus’ coming and strengthen your relationship with God for the years to come. It is important to make sure that the sacrifice you make during Lent is meaningful and will help you become closer with Jesus. This Lent, try to think about how you can show God your thanks and develop a firm relationship with the Lord in whatever way you can.